Personal Instruction
Private Lessons are designed for one-on-one instruction for you, or you and your partner
Private lessons are an effective way to quickly become an accomplished dancer. Private classes are tailored to suit each individual student’s needs and interests. You will learn balance and coordination; grace, style, and technique of lead and follow a dance program which is custom-tailored to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.
Learn what you want, when you want – Private Lessons can be scheduled anytime.
New students – discover dance with an Introductory Private Lesson – just $47 for 45 minutes
Your first lesson
The introductory 45-minute lesson and consultation will have you dancing from your very first class as we introduce you to the language and basic concepts of dance. This session is essential for designing a program custom-tailored to your specific goals and needs, and includes an assessment of where you are. For those specifically interested in Latin dances such as Salsa, we have a Latin Introductory Lesson.
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early for your first lesson as you will need to complete your registration and fill out a waiver form. Please be sure to let us know about any special circumstances or any injuries you have. You can also complete most of your registration on the registration page of the website.
When you become a student at [company_long] you will have access to a Dance Advisor. Your Dance Advisor will help familiarize you with the school, answer your questions, and be an on-going resource for you as you learn and grow with [company_long].
Get in touch with your Dance Advisor at danceadvisor@gregoryday.com or click the button below
Are you ready to make a move?