“How much does it cost?” has been one of the most common question I’ve received from prospective customers. To say I’ve heard it thousands of times might be an understatement. I feel as though it is time to revisit this epic question again.

Factors to Consider When Pricing Dance Lessons

The challenges I struggle with to properly address the cost question have not changed. Costs obviously vary. For example, there’s a significant difference between group classes, personal instruction, coaching lessons, dance congresses and dance competitions. Similarly, having a desire to get by as a social dancer or wanting to do well in competition can differ drastically.

Because costs can vary, I’m going to approach the answer to this question several ways. First, I’m going to highlight what some would believe are the necessary amounts of money to get the basics.

Secondly, and somewhat related, I’m going to highlight either the known costs for  participating in a competition. Seeing the actual dollars required to participate in a competition with a professional partner, for example, makes the first category somewhat more

Lastly, I’ll use the experience from what we’ve seen from our clients in the last year. Lumped into this category will be anecdotal data from what I know or have heard other dance schools and instructors charge.

My $10,000 demarcation point is useful. If you have less than that to invest over 10,000 hours, you will most assuredly not achieve mastery.

How much should beginner’s spend? That’s not necessarily how much an investment in a dance education will cost.

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Competitions can easily start at $1,500 and go up from there. A custom made ballroom dress can cost $5,000. On the other hand, participating in a West Coast Swing competition can be very inexpensive and include workshops for around $100.

Comparing Dance Lesson Costs: Dance Studios vs. Individual Instructors vs the “Big Boys”

The franchise dance studios, the “big boys” if you will, won’t give you the time of day if your budget is not at least $500/month.

A somewhat typical budget at Chicago Dance was just around $80/month. The total spend per customer was often higher than that because our customers continue to take dance lesson month after month. We see very few students who quit after one or two lessons.

As shown above, we’re not the highest in industry by far.

So, with this last category completed, we have yet another answer:

  • Dance lessons by the largest app companies, the “big boys”, likely cost anywhere between $130 to $160.
  • Dance Lessons by dance studios like Chicago Dance cost anywhere between $10 to $115.
  • Dance Lessons by individual instructors, possibly with very little experience or actual dance training, likely cost anywhere between $25 to $80.

Considering the Cost of Cheap Instructors

It really comes down to the specific

The Franchise Tax

More Than Dance Lessons

Remember that the cost to dance lessons go beyond a simple

If you’re really going to give yourself a chance, other considerations need to be made. You have to invest in yourself, evaluate the cost for xxx, consider any hard costs for xxx and comparable items. These other costs are part of what is included in the total