Our Blogs



4 Tips to Connect to your Dance Partner

When we talk about ‘connection’ in dance, we’re talking about the means of communications with your dance partner. Connection is the non-verbal and silent communication in dance and there are two main types. First, visual communication, which is like a wireless...

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4 Steps to Develop Your Own Dance Style

Whether you are partners in life, or partners in dance, now is a great time to start dancing with your partner and developing your own dance style. Yet, so often when people first learn to dance, they focus too much on dancing with a partner rather than developing...

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How Much Does It Cost to Learn How to Dance

 Recently in a conversation with a longstanding customer who I’ll call “Beth," she referenced the costs for dance lessons. With a big smirk Beth said, “Gregory, you said it’s about $10,000 to become a dancer...that seems like a good deal.” Her smirk was because the...

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Are you ready to make a move?